News | Amazon Filters

Drinking Water Quality Conference highlights ‘resilience and strategic planning’

Written by Julie Hoad | Sep 8, 2022 9:53:12 AM

We are set to highlight how our filtration solutions can help the water sector manage the challenges of climate change, ongoing pricing reviews and rising customer demand.

Our focus will be on water companies’ need for ‘resilience and strategic planning’ when we exhibit at the seventh annual Drinking Water Quality Conference.

A key theme of this year’s event, taking place at Birmingham Hilton Metropole on 5 October 2022, is how companies can maintain the highest water quality while planning for future risks.

Our Head of UK Sales Lisa Astbury and Sales Engineer Gareth Davies will both be on our exhibition stand.

Lisa said: “The water sector continues to be under intense scrutiny after a summer of drought and measures such as hose pipe bans that have affected millions of consumers.

“We have made and supplied critical filtration solutions to the water industry in the UK and Europe for 37 years, helping users to safeguard precious water resources right the way through from source to tap.

“Water quality management is all about resilience and strategic planning and what we do is use our ‘quick and able’ manufacturing capability to help companies guarantee a consistent level of quality for safety and regulatory compliance.  

“Our input supports essential activities such as drought management, turbidity control, chlorine reduction and the removal of iron, manganese, cryptosporidium and other contaminants and chemicals.”

Among the products we will be exhibiting is SupaSpun II, an absolute-rated depth filter that is on the approved list for use in the public water supply under DWI Regulation 31.

The conference will feature presentations from Marcus Rink, Chief Inspector of the Drinking Water Inspectorate, and senior figures at companies including Scottish Water, Anglian Water, Southern Water, Yorkshire Water and Thames Water, many of which are already Amazon Filters customers.

Among the event partners are membership organisation British Water, research body UK Water Industry Research and the networking and knowledge exchange group SWIG (Sensors for Water Interest Group).