Improve filter life and reduce biofouling with KilBac

KilBac melt blown depth filters with added anti-microbial and anti-algal technology. Maximise filter integrity without compromising performance.

Double the on-stream life
Built within micro-sized zeolite structures
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Laboratory tested and approved
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Stays operational during changes in environment

Preventing microbial and algal growth on filters

The service life of a prefilter is directly related to its environment and the conditions of the media it filters. SupaSpun KilBac filters contain built-in antimicrobial and anti-bacterial agents that reduce biological fouling and algae growth.

  • Improve the lifespan of filters in high-contaminant environments
  • Replace less often, saving time and money
  • Provide great protection for downstream membranes

Improving process economics for SRP membrane protection

The continuous supply of treated seawater is essential for the economic operation of a platform or FPSO. Read our application note to learn:

  • The key role of membrane prefiltration in sulphate reduction
  • Details of the extensive testing on our KilBac range
  • Benefits of the KilBac variants
AMZ blog image - How SupaSpun KilBac filters save costs for oil and gas companies

Why Amazon Filters?

For over 35 years, our team of experts has designed, manufactured, and installed innovative filtration solutions.

Today, we’re Europe’s leading filter manufacturer with capabilities worldwide. Supported by years of industry knowledge, we deliver high-quality, reliable, accredited filtration solutions to your exact specifications.

With Amazon Filters, you can focus on creating high-quality products and services and worry less about the filtration process.


Get lifelong value from your filtration system

Every day, we deliver quality filtration solutions – made with care to your exact standards.