73 Series
The 73 Series hygienic multi stack cartridge housing is available with 3, 5, 8 & 12 element stacks up to 30” long. The ‘T’ style configuration with dome cover is equipped with a Cast Vee clamp as standard for pressures up to 10 bar g.
This leg mounted, free standing housing with domed cover is the ideal choice for all hygienic systems when using Single Open End plug in style cartridges. The simple lightweight dome allows full and easy access to the cartridges for rapid changeouts and the housings can be dismantled for full cleandowns. Bolted closures are an option available for all models.
The 73 Series housing will accept the full range of Amazon Single Open End industry standard cartridges ranging from 0.03 to 40µm with nominal lengths of 10, 20 and 30”.